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FAQs on Passport/PCC Services

Q. 6: What is the procedure for Splitting name into ‘Given Name’ and ‘Surname’?

Ans: In recent times, many Countries are insisting on surname in Passport as a mandatory requirement for grant of Visa. Indian Passport holders whose full name is entered in one line in the Given Name field in their present Passport, and who wish to split the parts of such name into ‘Given Name’ and ‘Surname’, should apply for Renewal/ Re-issue of Passport in the normal course (reason – change in particulars).

Apart from other requirements/ documents for renewal of Passport, a request in the ‘Prescribed Format for Split in Name’ may be filled and submitted along with supporting documents, e.g: two photo ID documents with the full name/ initials. Please note that while splitting the name for this purpose, no addition/ deletion of spellings/ words etc., is permissible. If such additions/ deletions are involved, prescribed procedure for change of name (two Government ID documents in the changed name, Gazette notification/ name change advertisement in the prescribed format in two News papers) should be followed.

All other requirements/ documentation and fee remain the same as for Renewal/ Re-issue of Passport.